El cliente adquiere un activo de comunicación potente para transmitir sus mensajes a sus empleados o sus socios a través del proceso de la educación y la inscripción con  Servicios Especiales-Beneficios(SE). La fuerza de campo de SE: Los Consejeros de Beneficios, Líderes de Grupo y sus supervisores visitarán cada lugar de trabajo y se reunirá con cada empleado o socio elegible a los beneficios.

La campaña de comunicación que SE diseña a cada cliente para educar e inscribir a sus empleados o miembros en los planes de beneficios del programa incluye cada uno de los siguientes componentes:



Los líderes de grupo estarán al tanto de que todos estén involucrados con la planificación y preparación en el lugar de trabajo para la educación y la inscripción de los empleados o miembros. Nuestra experiencia indica que una vez que todo el mundo en el lugar de trabajo comprenda el proceso y sepa de lo que trata el programa, hay mucha cooperación para que el nuevo Plan de Beneficios para empleados o socios sea exitoso. SE hace que la experiencia sea aún mejor mediante la realización de rifas en el lugar de trabajo para los premios y distribución de regalos. Es ganar-ganar.



The client acquires a potent communication asset to convey its messages to its employees or its members through the Servicios Especiales-Beneficios(SE) education and enrollment process.  The SE field force: Benefits Counselors, Team Leaders and their Supervisors will visit each work location and meet with each benefits eligible employee or member. 

The communications campaign that SE designs for each client to educate and enroll employees or members in the benefit plans of the program includes each of the following components:

  • SE Benefits Counselors.  These individuals are appropriately insurance licensed with experience in offering benefit plans where employees or members work.  SE Benefits Counselors are trained by SE leadership to follow its specific system of communicating Voluntary Benefits.  Before each speaks to any employee or member, SE Benefits Counselors are put through a week long training session, which includes testing and graduation.


  • SE Team Leaders.  These individuals are hired by SE to assist the Benefits Counselors to prepare each worksite they will visit and smoothly schedule time with each employee or member to present the client’s existing benefits program and the newly created enhanced benefits program.  They communicate with each worksite supervisor to assure ease of enrollment through organized scheduling that doesn’t interrupt workflow.


  • Worksite Preparation.  Team Leaders will meet with worksite supervisors to explain the newly enhanced benefits program.  They will proceed to distribute material through the worksite supervisor to promote the program in preparation for the Benefits Counselors visits.  Team Leaders will schedule employees or members at available times to meet with Benefits Counselors to personally learn about the program and the value they can receive from it by participating.


Team Leaders will assure all are involved with planning and preparing the worksite for the education and enrollment of employees or members.  Our experience indicates that once everyone at the worksite understands the process and knows what the program is about, there is much cooperation to make the newly enhanced employee or member benefits program a successful event. SE makes the experience even better by conducting worksite raffles for prizes and distributes giveaways.  It’s a win-win.